May 2017 archive

Building the perfect house for the three little pigs!

We’ve spent this half term testing materials and thinking about which would be the best to use to keep that pesky wolf away! This week we designed our houses and today we began the building work. Some people chose to use Lego bricks whilst other people used lolly pop sticks. Here’s Lucas, Caitlin, Eva and Lilly in action this afternoon.

Diversity eat your heart out!

So, in P.E. the Boobook Owls have been dancing their socks off this afternoon telling the story of the three little pigs. The pigs start off by happily building their houses until the big bad wolf comes along and blows them all down!
What a fab afternoon!

Are we looking at the next David Beckham?


I just love hearing about all the different talents we have in the Boobook Owls. This football star brought in his TWO medals and TWO trophies today that we has earned at football, one was for most improved player!
We were all very impressed, we loved the proud smile across his face when he was telling us all about his awards. Keep it up Lucas!

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